Professional development is the coordination of all district stakeholders around the process of continuous learning to sustain and expand a captivating environment of learning. Monitoring and maintaining vertical and horizontal alignment of curriculum and instruction is a fundamental focus of professional and curriculum development. To this end, professional development represents the continuous learning of teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals to achieve this core belief. Continuous learning, therefore, is not an option, but an expectation.
The Vestal Central School District operates on the belief that professional development is a dynamic process shaped by the coordination of feedback among all district stakeholders. Four essential qualities of the Vestal professional learning community are at the core of this dynamic process:
Captivating Instruction
Coherent Curriculum
Congruent Instructional Practices
Collaborative Energy
The professional Development Plan continues to evolve as the program grows and matures. For the latest model of professional development in the Vestal Central School District, please see the link in the right menu.
Dr. Patrick Clarke, III
Assistant Superintendent
for Instruction