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BOCES Duplicating Center WebCRD Home

B-T BOCES Duplicating Center's webCRD

Broome-Tioga BOCES Duplicating Center has moved to the webCRD for submitting all duplicating jobs to them. A training packet is below for your information. Please note on pages 11 - 13, you should use your print driver to submit to the webCRD.  Here is the most technically efficient method to send documents:

1. Open the document that you want to send for duplicating in whatever format it is in - Word, Excel, Adobe pdf, Publisher, InDesign, etc.  
2. Select "Print" and then "Document Services." This will bring you to the page in your Cart where you select print options, quantity, etc. Please note, you must have an account already set up in the webCRD.
Important Note: The webCRD Facilitator at the BOCES Duplicating Center recommends that even if you have an existing pdf of the document you want to send, you should use the print driver to "Document Services" to send it to the webCRD rather than browsing for it. He states that if you have any unusual fonts, especially cursive, in your document, opening your existing pdf and selecting "Print" and then "Document Services" to send it to the webCRD will correct any font issues for you.
If you want to manage existing pdfs in your webCRD account (the "My Files" page in this application), you can save the url link to the webCRD login page to your Favorites on your browser. 

If you need assistance in setting up your webCRD account or feel you need additional training in the webCRD, please contact your building principal or email the BOCES Duplicating Center's webCRD Facilitator at 

webCRD Training Packet

webCRD Login page