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Parents Lounge
School safety and security is everyone's responsibility. If you see suspicious activity, report it on our website (confidentially), to local law enforcement or to a person of authority.
Who should I talk to about...
Changing my child's schedule:
VMS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2335
VHS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2214
My child's absence:
Elementary School - Nurse and Teacher
VMS Attendance Clerk, 607-757-2330
VHS Attendance Clerk, 607-757-2246
Information on college applications & financial aid:
VHS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2214
Information on counseling services:
Grades K - 12, Christi Smith, 757-2214
My child's academic progress:
Elementary - Teacher
VMS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2335
VHS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2214
Special Education questions:
Amber Dennis, Director of Special Education, 607-757-2244
Questions on health services or administering medication: Your child's school nurse
Free or reduced school meals: Food Services, 607-757-2201
Joining a parent organization: Your child's building principal
Student transcripts or withdrawing my child from school:
Elementary - Main Office
VMS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2335
VHS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2214
My child's bus route & other transportation questions:
Kenneth Starr, Supervisor of Transportation, 607-757-2251
Physical education & interscholastic athletics:
Joshua Gannon, Athletic Director, 607-757-2350
Obtaining working papers for my child, signing my child up for summer school or alternative education program:
VMS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2335
VHS Counseling & Guidance, 607-757-2214
Special Education
Updated June 2017
NYS Child Abuse Hotline
Número de teléfono del estado de Nueva York para reportar el abuso infantil
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Parent Dashboard
Regarding the NYSED Parent Dashboard
Regarding the NYSED Parent Dashboard
Parent Dashboard Online Survey
Parent Tips from
Click Fidelis Care logo for information on Child Health Plus
Shared Decision Making 2018-2020
... About Teens & Alcohol